Playing on:
- Eps 12: NSYNC, Five Nights at Freddy's, Red Lantern Corps
- Eps 11: Giant Robots
- Eps 10: Glinda, Columbo, Inscryption
- Eps 9: Boo, Actually!
- Eps 8: GoBots, Pikmin, Sid Meier's Civilization
- Eps 7: Preschool Television Volume 2
- Eps 6: Yellowjackets, Metal Gear Solid, Castle in the Sky
- Eps 5: The Baby Bracket
- Eps 4: Voltron, Conker's Bad Fur Day, G.I. Joe
- Eps 3: Justice League, The Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing
- Eps 2: Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, Bubbling Bobbs, Blue Milk
- Eps 1: Curse of Strahd, The Holocron, Blaseball
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